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Join In Our Good Works for MRL!
The Friends of Morrisson-Reeves Library is a fundraising and volunteer organization for the Library.
Friends of Morrisson-Reeves Library are a nonprofit association of people interested in promoting knowledge and interest in the functions, resources, services and needs of our library. Friends provide time, talents, and funds for services and programs that enrich, educate and entertain the community.
Mission: The Friends of Morrisson-Reeves Library’s mission is to encourage lifelong learning and inspire our community to learn and grow through regular use of the library and its valuable tools, programs, and resources.
The Friends of MRL generously fund all of the programs offered to library users. They support the Summer Reading Program, book discussions, free computer classes, writing classes, lectures, musical programs, movies, storytimes, arts and crafts workshops, and much more.
Membership is open to individuals, businesses, or groups who wish to support Morrisson-Reeves Library. Membership is confirmed upon receipt of dues. Membership dues are tax-deductible.
Board of Directors
The Friends of Morrisson-Reeves Library is governed by a Board of Directors
President, John B. Martin, II
Vice President, Millie Martin Emery
Co-Treasurer, Philip Martin
Co-Treasurer, Becky Baker
Secretary, Heather Lerner
Book Sale Co-Chair, Teresa Wright
Book Sale Co-Chair, Rudy Groot
Volunteer Coordinator, Peggy Booker
Member, Stasia Veramallay
Member, Al Wentz
Member, Priya Hodges
Member, Evelyn Lerner