The Summer Reading Program is Back!
MRL invites you to participate in the Summer Reading Program, themed “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” This year’s program offers reading challenges, engaging activities, and rewarding prizes for readers of all ages.
Mark Your Calendars!

The program kicks off with a Summer Reading Carnival on Saturday, June 1st, from 1-3 pm. Get ready for a fun-filled afternoon with balloon animals, popcorn, games, and the chance to register for the program. You’ll also receive your very own Ticket to Adventure, a special tool to track your reading progress throughout the summer.
This year, we’re ditching the traditional reading log for a dynamic bingo card packed with exciting activities. Complete reading challenges, participate in fun events, and earn prizes as you mark off squares on your card – just like bingo! Register through Beanstack to start tracking your summer reading adventures and unlock a world of possibilities.
Programs for All Ages
MRL is hosting a wide variety of programs and events for people of all ages. This means there’s something for everyone, no matter your interests. See below for a description of our many Youth Services Events. Or check our Events Page for a full list.
Stay and Play Process Art (ages 2-5)
Tuesdays | 10:00 am | Youth Services
Explore open ended art experiences where the child is in control. Young artists may get messy!
Under the Twinkle Lights (ages 2-5)
Thursdays | 6:00 pm | Youth Services
Join us in your pajamas as we sing songs and read books to wind down for the day.
Firefly Friday (ages 2-5)
Fridays | 10:00 am | Courtyard
Each week one of the Firefly nominated books will be explored and a grab-and-go activity provided.
Little Learners (ages 2-5)
Thursdays | 10:00 am | Youth Services
Each week in this 8 week series we’ll read a story and do a STEAM activity.
Crafternoon (ages 6-12)
Tuesdays | 3:00 pm | Youth Services
Drop in and play with our art and craft materials and make whatever your imagination desires.
Cupcake Club (ages 6-8)
6/5, 7/3 | 5:30 pm | Youth Services
Our youngest book club.
Sweet Reads (ages 6-12)
Thursdays | 4:00 pm | Youth Services
This month enjoy a sweet read and a tasty morsel with Miss Nancy as she reads from a chapter book.
Art Afternoon: Rainsticks (ages 6-12)
6/12 | 3:00 pm | Youth Services
Listen to stories about rain and make a rainstick.
Rocks & Fossils (ages 6-12)
6/13 | 5:30 pm | Youth Services
Listen to stories about fossils and take home your very own fossil dig kit.
Popcorn and Paperbacks (ages 8-12)
6/19, 7/17 | 5:30 pm | Youth Services
Our middle book club, a step up from Cupcake Club.
Wednesday Paint Party (ages 6-12)
6/26 | 3:00 pm | Youth Services
Paint a Wednesday Adams themed canvas.
Treasured Story Time (ages 6-12)
6/27 | 5:30 pm | Youth Services
Listen to a story of friends on a quest for treasure.
Out of This World (ages 6-12)
7/11 | 5:30 pm | Youth Services
Listen to a story about Mars and its Rover inhabitant.
Craft & Carry an Olympic Torch (ages 6-12)
7/25 | 5:30 pm | Youth Services
Using craft sticks and craft paper build your own torch to carry and celebrate the beginning of the Summer Olympics.
Basket Weaving
6/6 | 3:00 pm | Teen Room
Weave a small basket and learn the history of weaving around the world.
Go Outside, Adventures in Nature!
6/13 | 6:00 pm | Teen Room
Create a nature collage using canvas and magazine clippings.
Saturday TeenScapes
6/15 & 7/13 | 1:00 pm | Teen Room
Pop in for a special activity just for teens.
Boba Tea and Cupcake Decorating Contest
6/20 | 3:00 pm | Teen Room
Use your imagination to create a unique design during this cupcake contest while enjoying a tasty drink.
Escape This
6/27 | 3:00 pm | Teen Room
Join us for an adventuresome hour of puzzle-solving fun.
Dim the Lights, Adventures in the Dark
7/11 | 3:00 pm | Teen Room
Create a decoupage lantern with old map pieces.
Book Nooks
7/18 | 3:00 pm | Teen Room
Make a miniature fantasy world to add to your shelf.
Teen Olympics
7/25 | 3:00 pm | Teen Room
Test your skills with some minute to win it games.
Family Fun
Craft kits available! Come in any day at any time to pick up a craft. Make it at home on your own schedule.
Jurassic Scavenger Hunt
6/24-6/29 | Youth Services
Stop by Youth Services all week to hunt for dinosaurs hiding in the library. Staff are happy to help as you hunt for animals and learn more about the library.